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Prices on this page

All dedolight prices on this website reflect German list prices in Euro, excluding value added tax.

All these prices are “ex warehouse Munich”.

Valid for sales in Germany and Austria only.

For other countries, please inquire with our authorized / exclusive distributors or their dealers.

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Any inquiries from countries not mentioned on this list can inquire directly at Dedo Weigert Film in Munich and can be supplied directly. 

All specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notification.

Power Haus Flyer

DTPH1800 - "The Power House" Flyer

This remarkable battery offers the perfect compromise as portable equipment with maximum output. Even a Dedolight Lightstream PB70 light with 1200 W can be used over 50 minutes continuously – no problem when switching on (inrush current).

Dieser bemerkenswerte Akku bietet die perfekte Kombination als tragbares Gerät mit maximaler Leistung selbst ein Dedolight Lightstream PB70 Scheinwerfer mit 1200 W kann damit über 50 min eingesetzt werden.

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