
Tecpro Price List - valid as of 09/2024

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Code Product Description List EUR EAN
Tecpro Felloni LED Lights
TP-LONI3-BIHO Felloni3 - High Output - 45° Bicolor 850,00 4060434023057
TP-LONI3-DHO Felloni3 - High Output - 45° Daylight - PHASE OUT 850,00 4060434023071
TP-TURBO-BI Turbo Felloni LED panel in bicolor, 45° beam angle 907,00 4060434020445
Tecpro Felloni Accesories
TP-LONI-DIM-BI Felloni Numeric Control Dimmer Box Bicolor 49,00 4060434019753
TP-LONI-DIM-DMX Felloni DMX Dimmer Box 116,00 4060434019760
TP-LONI-DIM-NC Felloni Numeric Control Dimmer Box Single Monocolor 49,00 4060434019784
TP-LONI-DIM-WR32 Felloni Dimmer Box-Wireless-RECEIVER. PHASE OUT! 39,00 4060434019791
TP-LONI-DIM-WT32 Felloni Dimmer Box-Wireless-Transmitter. PHASE OUT! 139,00 4060434019807
TP-LONI-GMSET1 Set each 1 sheet 3314; 3318; 3040; 184. PHASE OUT! 24,00 4060434019814
TP-LONI-GMSET2 Set each 1 sheet 3314;3318;3040;184;3409;3410;3208;3216. PHASE OUT! 40,00 4060434019821
TP-LONI-SBX42 Foldable softbox with one diffusor (38 x 38 cm) 109,00 4060434019944
TP-LONI-SBX74 Foldable "double" softbox for TP-LONI-x2BR with diffuser for very pleasing, even and smooth light. 2 removable side flags. PHASE OUT! 133,00 4060434019982
TP-LONI-SBXGRID4 Grid - 40° for Felloni Softbox 42 85,00 4060434019999
TP-LONI-SBXGRID7 Grid - 74° for foldable Felloni double softbox. PHASE OUT! 127,00 4060434020001
TP-LONI-x2BR Felloni double. PHASE OUT! 54,00 4060434020070
TP-OFFSET Offset Arm for stand 55,00 4060434020247
TP-PSAB Felloni - Power supply Anton Bauer Mount 179,00 4060434020315
TP-PSVM Felloni - Power Supply V-Mount 179,00 4060434020322
TP-SBX50 TECPRO Felloni Soft box with 2 diffusers and carrying bag. 50 x 50cm 87,00 4060434020353
TP-SBX50G Grid - 50 for universelle Felloni 50x50 Softbox 48,00 4060434020360
TPSC1 Case for single Felloni 132,00 4060434020391
TPSC3-0 Case for 3 Fellonis 212,00 4060434020407
TPSC-DST Bag for 3 Stands 55,00 4060434020414
TP-TURBO-DIFF15 Diffusor 1.5 for Felloni TURBO and Felloni 3 60,00 4060434023651
TP-TURBO-PSVM Felloni Turbo - Power Supply V-Mount 179,00 4060434027178
Tecpro Felloni Spare Parts
TP-ADJ Felloni hanger knob/ screw grey, black or yellow 6,00 4060434017766
TP-LONI-CAB-AUS Felloni cable, AUS, Australia 22,00 4060434019654
TP-LONI-CAB-E Felloni cable, E, European 22,00 4060434027161
TP-LONI-CAB-GB Felloni cable, GB, Great Britain 22,00 4060434019661
TP-LONI-CAB-US Felloni cable, US, United States 22,00 4060434019678
TP-LONI-CDIM External dimmer cable. PHASE OUT! 9,00 4060434019685
TP-LONI-YOKE Studs, yoke, screw 28,00 4060434020094
TP-PLAB Felloni - Anton Bauer Mount Plate 28,00 4060434020292
TP-PLVM Felloni - V-Mount Plate 28,00 4060434020308
TP-SCR Felloni stand locking knob 4,00 4060434020421
TP-STAND Felloni stand adapter with screw 12,00 4060434020438
TP-TURBO-PLVM Felloni Turbo - V-Mount Plate 28,00 4060434027154
Tecpro Steadybag
SteadyBaby SteadyBaby "Sandbag" small. weight 1,5 kg 36,00 4060434017643
SteadyBoy SteadyBoy "Sandbag" big. weight 3,0 kg. Not Available! 60,00 4060434017650
SteadyBoy-B Belt for Steadyboy/baby 8,00 4060434023798
Tecpro Power Supply
TPS-2V Dual 14,4V power supply with 25V output. Not Available! 274,00 4060434020346
Tecpro LED Tubes
TP-4LT4BAL-BI Ballast for 4x LED tubes, 4 ft, AC 100-240 V 630,00 4060434017674
TP-4LT4-BI LED tube bicolor 114,00 4060434017681
TP-4LT4CAB Connection cable between ballast and casing, 7,5m lenght (25ft) 118,00 4060434017698
Tecpro Liteflex
DLPS15-60 Mains power supply for Tecpro Liteflex, 15V, 60W 70,50 4060434023682
TP-LF-BI-SET Liteflex bicolor Set includes Flexible LED panel, Powerstick, Power Supply 10-20 V DC input and Case - without Battery Adapter. 497,00 4060434025648
TP-LF-D-SET Liteflex daylight Set includes Flexible LED panel, Powerstick, Power Supply, 10-20 V DC input and Case - with BPU Adapter. PHASE OUT! 347,00 4060434025655
TP-LF-EXT Extension Cable between Liteflex and Powerstick - 3m 15,00 4060434023705
TP-LFP-BI Power Stick for Tecpro Liteflex bicolor, DC IN 12 ~ 20V, 4A 220,00 4060434023712
TP-LFP-D Power Stick for Tecpro Liteflex daylight, DC IN 12 ~ 20V, 4A. PHASE OUT! 145,00 4060434023729
TP-LFPS2N Power Supply Adapter with 2xNPF 45,00 4060434023736
TP-LFPSAB Power Supply Adapter with Anton Bauer 45,00 4060434023743
TP-LFPSB Power Supply Adapter with BPU 24,00 4060434023750
TP-LFPSV Power Supply Adapter with V-Mount 24,00 4060434023767
TP-LF-SBX Inflatable soft box for Liteflex LED panel (29 x 29 cm) 18,00 4060434019357
TPSC-LF1 Bag for Tecpro Liteflex 39,00 4060434023774
TPSC-LF2 Bag for complete Tecpro Liteflex System 47,00 4060434023781
TP-LF-BCK Backplate 79,00 4060434029837
TP-LF-BI Panel only 230,00 4060434019333
TP-LF-STAND Stand Adapter 16mm 21,50 4060434029844
Tecpro Motivsucher
TP-11xZoom Mini Viewfinder, 11x Zoom 176,00 4060434017667

All prices on this website reflect German list prices in Euro, excluding value added tax. All these prices are “ex warehouse Munich”. Valid for sales in Germany and Austria only. All specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notification.

If have any questions about Tecpro, please contact Andreas Ruprich

Andreas Ruprich

Andreas Ruprich


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